Rise With Rhea

About Rhea

"From deepest pain in the valley, to authentic joy on the other side. Rhea Joy uses her unique experience and warm personality to show women that God is in their story, and can heal them and bring them to the other side of their impossible valley. With a unique down-to-earth authenticity, she helps empower women to move through whatever is keeping them stuck." --Aubrey

My life story has brought me through chapters of drug alcohol addiction, teenage motherhood, abortion, and abuse. I've navigated grief, poverty, abandonment, toxic family members, and miscarriage. I've experienced sexual, emotional, physical, financial, and narcissistic abuse.  I've been battered, strangled, and stalked. I've battled fear, low self-worth, and suicidal thoughts. I've lived in a toxic marriage for years, and eventually learned how to enforce boundaries that saved our marriage and turned it into a strong, loving, thriving relationship. 

I have found that the hard stuff often isn't talked about, and a lot of women who’ve been through really tough things keep it hidden in the dark because no one is talking about it. So we put on a “plastic smile”. We’re afraid to show our real, true selves. Afraid of what others will think of us, of being judged, of not measuring up. We show up and pretend that everything is ok when it’s not, and then everyone around us does the same, and the cycle perpetuates. If we all just exposed our struggles, we’d know that we aren’t alone. This is why I started speaking up in vulnerability about real things I was going through, so others would know they aren’t are not alone. I aim to break the cycle, inspire hope & healing, and bring things into the light.

Everything I've survived has given me experience that I've used to help other women, which is my passion and source of joy. I hope you'll look around on these pages. I've included several resources that helped me along my healing journey. I share Bible verses, songs, tools for panic attacks, books, podcasts, and videos that have helped me, among several other resources (see the "Resources" Tab).  

I am convinced that God wants so much more for us than we often see and believe. Experiences throughout our lives created very dark, limiting, negative thoughts and beliefs of "I can't." 


My goal is to show you that God CAN.

Through my speaking engagements, writing, podcasts, and transformation coaching, I strive to be an influential force of hope. I'm passionate about helping women find inner strength, see their self-worth, and work toward changing their lives. There IS hope! Let's run toward the fulfilled, vibrant life that God intended for you! (Jeremiah 29:11)

Please click on the "Resources" tab & look through to see what can help you in your individual situation ♡

